Tuesday, May 29, 2007


by elocin

Trickling, seething, dripping
disdain fills my entire being
I feel a wave wash over me
the tide is pulling me in
the dolphins are calling
the seagulls screeching
crying out to me
to join them.
I cannot
I go willingly,
hopefully, wanting
it to encompass my soul.
Allowing it to fill my body with
red-hot emotion, pushing and pulling
me in until I am over my head and then
I call out—but it is too late. I have succumbed
To the fury inside and it boils over and I scream.



by elocin

Often poems are cries of the soul
Tears unshed—
A river of denial
A sea of despair
A shout from the depths of the Earth
An insignificant whisper
Hiding in the trees.

A poem makes you stop
Understand the pain
The torment
The fear
And share.

Join in! Look deep—
Peek through the folds
Face down the demons
That life holds
Read with me
Be with me
And I will be with you.

- 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007



by elocin

I sing a song for you

And in it are the words

That no one can quite understand

That no one has yet heard

I sing a song for you

You’re in my every thought

I know I have not met you

And yet you’re in my heart

I sing a song for you

I shout it to the sky

It creeps in quiet moments

It begs to soar and fly

I sing a song for you

My heartsong is the tune

The melody invades my soul

In shades of gray and blue

I sing a song for you

So pure and deep and real

And yet the syllables cannot

Express the way I feel.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Being Productive by Wasting Time

So today, well, actually, for the last few days, I have been working on a project. That in itself makes me productive, right? I mean, if you accomplish something, you are being productive. Well. The jury is still out on that one. So the project I was working on was a music video of one of my favorite TV shows, "The Office." I love Pam and Jim and so made a video of some of their best moments together, including, of course, The Kiss. If you are an Office fan, you know what I am talking about.

Does making a music video count as being productive? I wasted an awful lot of time in front of my computer, hours in fact. So...if I was wasting time, how could I have been being productive? It's a bit of a conundrum. Either way, I am extremely proud of the video, my first attempt at video editing, and whether it is good or not is irrelevant. The important thing is that it is completed. And therein lies the productivity. At least I think.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Couch Potato

So sometimes I have a little trouble getting up off my rear and doing something besides spending hours and hours at the computer. Tonight was not one of those nights. I actually went out, which I do fairly regularly, but usually it is to a movie or someplace else I can sit. However, tonight I was a busy little bee, humming around several activities, and I have to admit, it felt great. First we played a round of miniature golf (not easy with 5 adults, a 3-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a 2-month-old, I have to say). Then we practiced a little at the batting cages. This was entirely necessary since we all had recently joined a softball league at our church, and we desperately needed the practice. I did not do particulary well on either event but had my moments. For example, while playing golf I got a hole in one! I won't tell you that the 3-year-old got two holes-in-one. Ok, I guess I will. It was sad.

So then from there you would think that we would have been done, tired, and ready to space out in front on the TV for a few hours (which we normally would), but we weren't done yet. Oh no. We added two more adults to our group and played two rousing rounds of bowling. I did not break 100, but I came close both times (two 91's). Breaking 100 is always my goal when bowling. Sadly, I rarely reach it. At least I scored higher than the toddlers, although not by much. They did have help, though.

So after all this activity, we went home. To bed, you say? Because surely we were tired? No. We watched a movie.

(It had to happen sometime during the night)


The Chicken and the Buffalo

Hi and thank you for visiting my blog, where I will share some of my poetry as well as various rants and raves as I come across them in life. Here is a recent poem, which I hope you will enjoy and comment on.

The Chicken and the Buffalo
by elocin

We are night and day

and yet

there is something—

a cord—

a wave that crashes over us and we come up laughing.

There should be too many differences


the things we have in common

weave a fabric of friendship—

a patchwork quilt—

a surprising twist to a plot I thought I knew

an unforeseen adventure

to worlds unknown

but now

not unimaginable.