Sunday, May 13, 2007

Couch Potato

So sometimes I have a little trouble getting up off my rear and doing something besides spending hours and hours at the computer. Tonight was not one of those nights. I actually went out, which I do fairly regularly, but usually it is to a movie or someplace else I can sit. However, tonight I was a busy little bee, humming around several activities, and I have to admit, it felt great. First we played a round of miniature golf (not easy with 5 adults, a 3-year-old, a 4-year-old, and a 2-month-old, I have to say). Then we practiced a little at the batting cages. This was entirely necessary since we all had recently joined a softball league at our church, and we desperately needed the practice. I did not do particulary well on either event but had my moments. For example, while playing golf I got a hole in one! I won't tell you that the 3-year-old got two holes-in-one. Ok, I guess I will. It was sad.

So then from there you would think that we would have been done, tired, and ready to space out in front on the TV for a few hours (which we normally would), but we weren't done yet. Oh no. We added two more adults to our group and played two rousing rounds of bowling. I did not break 100, but I came close both times (two 91's). Breaking 100 is always my goal when bowling. Sadly, I rarely reach it. At least I scored higher than the toddlers, although not by much. They did have help, though.

So after all this activity, we went home. To bed, you say? Because surely we were tired? No. We watched a movie.

(It had to happen sometime during the night)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it. I just realized that I was sitting on the couch for three hours making that montage. It's rather uncanny.

I'm glad you had a good time, outside.