Thursday, December 6, 2007


The world is full of small people—

Not little, but small.

The kind who view the world in a box

and choose right and wrong

based on their minimal perception

then force others to conform

to their way of thinking

or else suffer the consequences.

People like this clutter the world

with their petty, diminutive view

of Life the way it ought to be

instead of the way it is.

People like this are hurtful

People like this are wrong

People like this ruin people like us

(if you can be joined

in the group of those

who step back to view the larger picture,

and make appropriate judgments based on facts,

not opinions).

I despise small people

I hurt when they choose to categorize me

It affects me when they judge me

as if I didn’t matter.

Would not the world be better

if everyone expanded

their view in order to avoid

snap judgments and biased opinions?

I think it would

and yet I vow

to allow others their choice

as I would wish to have from them.


Anonymous said...

This is such a deep poem. I agree with it's message; small people... Who needs them? I guess we can tolerate them to challenge ourselves into becoming better people.

Elocin said...

This is written very well. I too have been a victim of simple minded humans and have attempted at writing about it, but was not pleased w/ how I expressed it. You took the words right out of my mouth.
When I feel this way though-like I can't show them how wrong they are-I pray my all-time favorite prayer that I advise to you...
"God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change; the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference." This has really helped me when nothing else word.