Saturday, July 7, 2007

Summer Passing

For Anfal.

Summer Passing

My heart cries when summer dies
The autumn winds blow it away
The birds find somewhere else
To build their homes

The flowers—
So beautiful at blooming!—
Wilt and wither with each passing day
Even the sun moves away
Unwilling to weather the cold winter’s blast

I stand at the precipice
Tears streaming softly
Watching Life go on without me
As I tuck you away in my heart

With each beat
With each breath
You live in my life
You live in my love
I carry you with me wherever I go
And when, at last,
I see you again
My joy will be great
But I will know
You’ve been there the whole time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such a sweet poem :D I love how well written it is. Once again, you impress!

Kudos Nicole